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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Notre Dame vs the Jesuits

The new president of Notre Dame appears to want to move the University back to its Catholic roots. But he has already generated some controversy over the following quote:

"In all of American higher education, Notre Dame has a distinct position. It aspires to be, and is, among the leading universities ... It is at the same time the only one with religious character, with all respects to our friends at Boston College and Georgetown," he said, referring to the more liberal Jesuit schools. "The inertia is always to be like everyone else. To be different, you have to chart a course and have a clear idea about where you want to go."

Though a ND spokesperson later clarified Jenkin's remarks:

"What he's saying is, if you take the top 20 schools, there is only one with religious character, and that's Notre Dame," he said. [source]

Let the battle begin!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can clarify it all they want, Father, but it still comes out the same!

I thank God every day for His gift of the Franciscan University of Steubenville!

3:46 PM  

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