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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Important Case In Virginia?

Within the next two weeks, Virginia Governor Mark R. Warner is looking to arrange DNA tests which may exonerate Roger Kieth Coleman who was executed for the death of his wife's sister. If the DNA tests do prove Coleman's innocence it will be the first time that the innocence of an executed person has been proven scientifically.

This, of course, would provide a great moral argument to those seeking the abolishment of the death penalty. But would it be enough to persuade those who currently favor capital punishment? I don't know. Certainly it is worth following.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether Coleman and others on America's death rows actually did the crimes they were convicted of is irrelevant. The death penalty is abhorant, its use saying much more about us as a society than it ever could about the killers condemned to die. That the imposition of the death penalty could mean an innocent person might die only adds to the horror.

For more, read Uncommon Sense

6:48 PM  

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