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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

New podcast is coming!

The preliminary information and data for the next podcast are up! The podcast will be called THEOSIS and will be a podcast journey through the Lenten and Easter season with the Eastern Church.

I expect the first podcast will be going up on the 29th of January but I will be putting up other information before that. What this means is that you can already check much of the site out, but podcast subscriptions won't begin until the first episode goes up. In fact, I might put up a prelimary podcast before that - so stay tuned.

For the Roman Catholics out there, the Eastern Church has five pre-Lenten Sundays in preparation for Lent which is why things are beginning so early with the podcast. Again, I will be podcasting for THEOSIS pretty much every Sunday during the pre-Lenten time and then switching to daily on February 26th and then going all the way to June 11th. So, it's going to have lots of episodes.

More information about the podcast can be found at the website of THEOSIS.


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