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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Electing the pope with Green Smoke

Dr. Kwame Natambu feels that the use of black smoke to signify that a new Pope has not been chosen and white smoke to signify the election of new Pope is racist and should be changed to red smoke for the signifying of no new pope and green to signify a new pope.

In fact, the Doctor writes,

This papal decision-making process supports the contention that Christianity/Roman Catholicism is one of the nine potent weapons in the armoury of Europeans to destroy, decimate and annihilate Afrikan peoples.

Aside from the fact that I haven't heard any of the African clergy making this argument and that the colors red and green are just as culturally biased as the choice of white and black, I think the real problem is that the colors black and white have importance beyond the election of the pope and come not out of a European context but out of the Jewish traditions of the Middle East.


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