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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Thoughts on Thursday's Gospel

JN 17:20-26

Jesus continues his words about the world that does not know the Father. For Jesus, and for us, the focus of our life is union with the Father through the Son and in the Spirit. Jesus has made the Father known to us and calls us to be united with him in the love that the Father has given to the Son since "before the foundation of the world". The origin of our lives is the Father and the completion of our life's journey is in union with the Father.

There is no union with the Father apart from the Son and so no salvation apart from him. This is why Jesus prays especially for those who have come to belief through the teachings of the Apostles, that they may persevere in their faith until the end.

In a world that "does not know the Father" there are many voices that seek to distract us from our journey, to point us in a wrong direction, or to even abandon our goal. It is certainly a trial to maintain ourselves and sometimes we must indeed take stock of ourselves and whether or not we have wandered off somewhere we didn't want to go. The good news is that no matter how far we may have gotten lost, the light of Jesus is always there to lead us back to the right path - if we but look for him.

Remember, there is no other name in Heaven, on Earth, or under the Earth by which we can be saved.


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