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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Signs of the Advent Apocalypse - Part 3

Virginia Voiers thought she was taking part in a rambunctious holiday custom, but a carriage driver thought differently and called police when he saw the 70-year-old grandmother stealing the baby Jesus from the city's nativity scene. [source]

Apparently, Mrs. Voiers decided to participate in a particular town custom involving stealing the baby Jesus. Normally, the baby is returned - in this case, Mrs. Voiers - a Sunday School teacher - told her pastor what she had done. Her paster told her, "Go and sin no more" and "You didn't tell them you were a Methodist did you?"

While I normally come down on the side of putting Jesus in the manger at the beginning of Advent, this may be a good reason to hold off.


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