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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Franciscanism and Islam

I have been following the uprisings in the Middle East over a series of cartoons published in European newspapers that Muslims have condemned as blasphemous to Islam. Some Muslims have resorted to violence and threats of violence against many people.

I have protested against many things that were hostile to my faith on this blog site, but I would never wish any violence against those who attacked my faith.

I must admit that watching these demonstrations by some Muslims frightens me and because I am frightened I am concerned about acting in a way that is not Christian. I wonder about the Franciscan community's legacy of relating to the world of Islam. We seem to have renounced the heritage of seeking conversion exemplified by Francis of Assisi and our first martyrs for an attitude that seems to have been overly naive. But then again, perhaps it is the fear that is talking.


Blogger Chiara said...

Hello, Friar Seraphim! This is Chiara from the "Canticle of Chiara" blog (I have your "Friary Notes" blog linked on mine!). I enjoyed this post. It is very true that the Franciscan legacy of evangelizing to the Muslims tends to be "blotted out" by revisionists who like to ressurect our Seraphic Father as a "flower child." Many don't seem to recall that upon his visit to the Sultan, out Holy Father Francis challenged them to a "trial by fire."

I hear, however, that Franco Zefirelli is making a sequel to "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" that will focus exclusively upon Francis' visit to the Sultan. We'll see how that goes.

Check out my blog if you get a chance!

Pax et Bonum,

Chiara :-)

3:17 PM  

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