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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Musings on the Diaconate

The diaconal ordination has taken place and I am still trying to get into my new reality as a deacon in the Catholic Church. I have served two Masses so far and each one is better than the last. Next week I will officiate at my first Eucharistic benediction.

It's kind of weird. Have I changed? In a way I feel different, but in another way I wonder if I really say a blessing over something has it changed in a way that it wouldn't have a week ago? They never tell you how it feels to be a deacon, perhaps it's not something you can learn - you can only do. Perhaps it won't really hit me until I preside at a baptism or wedding and really feel myself as an instrument of God's grace.

Saint Stephen pray for me.


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