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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Back again, hopefully for a bit longer this time

It has been so long since I last posted, even after I posted that I would be posting more often. The main reason for the end of posting was that I just became totally overwhelmed with my new priestly duties and a full teaching load at the university. I decided that I couldn't keep this blog up and do the podcasting over at Catholic:Under The Hood, so I decided to go with the podcast.

I also found myself getting a bit frustrated a bit with the blog. There is a lot that goes on out there that just gets on my nerves. On the one hand I want to talk about it, on the other hand I find that it can sometimes just get me angrier. I was wondering if I wasn't just making this blog into a list of personal complaints. So, having taken a very extended break, I'm going to mention things here that I probably won't talk about over at the podcast. Some of the things will still be issues that get my dander up, but I hope that is not all that will be here.

To those who are still periodically checking this blog out, thanks for hanging with me. God bless you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checked in today and was very happy to see you blogging again!
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your thoughts on various issues.

1:03 AM  

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