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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Week in Review

Well, its been a pretty uneventful week. I think all this schoolwork is keeping me from more exciting things. Not to say that I do work all the time, I regulary take time off to play "spider solitaire" on the computer or a variety of free games via Yahoo. [Shameless plug #1] School work and religious life is continuing pretty good. I have begun going to spiritual direction with a local Ukrainian Catholic priest. I decided that after all these years it was about time. I have only met once, but I think it will be good for my overall spiritual development.

I am also continuing to work on my "At-home retreat" for married couples. I thought I would drop some info that might be helpful for those of you with children [shameless plug #2 and #3]. For those with children between 8 and 12, you might look at a subscription to "Magnifikid!" at This is a monthly magazine with games and spiritual information as well as a copy of the Mass, so kids can follow along. There are special things for each week of the liturgical year. I am more familiar with their magazine "Magnificat" which is available at the same address. Magnificat is an excellent spiritual resource for the busy Catholic including sections of spiritual reading and the scripture readings throughout the Month as well as simple morning and evening prayer. Both publications get two thumbs up. I have also stumbled upon a book by Bert Ghezzi called "Keeping Your Kids Catholic" which is a collection of good articles about bringing the faith to children from the very young to teenagers.

I wish you all blessings


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