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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Turkey Day and National Treasure

I hope that everyone had a great thanksgiving with just the right amount of leftovers. It was a full house here at the friary with a total of 25 people stuffing themselves on turkey, ham, and Russian borscht. I know that doesn't sound like your typical Thanksgiving fare, just consider it an attempt to be more multicultural. What is more ironic is that an American priest serving in the Russian far east introduced Thanksgiving there, so the inclusion of borscht is not really that far off.

I was in charge of the shopping, quite the chore, though I am thankful for the help of brothers Nathan and John. Still, we filled three carts and then some. I have determined that people shop for groceries like they drive. They go down the middle of the aisle very slowly so that no one can go around them. They stop suddenly and slowly look around for that missing item as they might look for hidden street addresses. They block the way as they chat with neighbors while a long line of carts forms behind them. Unlike driving, though, I am not able to express my frustration shielded by a heavy metal car door. So no public displays of irriatation.

Today was yard cleaning and leaf raking day. The weather was nice enough, this was greatly appreciated as we had ten of us raking for about two hours to form a pile big enough to cover a couple of small cars now in our back yard awaiting city pickup. Fortunately, we didn't have to bag the leaves as the city will suck them all up - as well as any small children hiding inside [just kidding] - and take them all away.

A group of us went out to see the movie National Treasure today as well. Not too bad for what it was, an Indiana Jones clone. Not much violence though there are some scary scenes. I wonder whether I could show the film to my class and get students interested in studying history for the sake of becoming famous treasure hunters?


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