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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The first day of Lent

We celebrated [is that the right word?] Ash Wednesday this morning and arrived at school to smell the sweet aroma of bacon cooking in our Catholic school cafeteria - nothing like the spirit of temptation to strike as soon as possible in the Ash Wednesday fast. I managed to repress my hunger pains by repeating "allelulia" several times before lighting struck.

This afternoon and evening I completed prelimary work on another stage of the revised web site which you can see in the post below. For those who may not recognize it, it is a Seraph/Seraphim , i.e. my angelic namesake. I thought about adding a small beard so that it might look more like me - but I thought better of it and decided to go with the more traditional representation.


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