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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Mardi Gras and Miscellania

We celebrated Mardi Gras this evening with hamburgers and cake. Perhaps not the most traditional of Mardi Gras meals, but it satisfied our need to feast before fasting sets in tomorrow. Today was again shopping day at the house, but we didn't need as much as usual, so I was able to get done more quickly which is always a good thing. The weather here is still very nice, up in the fifties. Tomorrow they are predicting rain which will be fitting for a school day.

This weekend we will be hosting a "Come and See" weekend when prospective individuals "come" for a visit to "see" how we live. So, we all must be on our best behavior and persuade them that we are happy, normal, and well adjusted people. Those of you who no me, don't laugh, I have become very good at covering up my little quirks. After all, the TORs accepted me, didn't they?

I will also be video taping my practice baptism and wedding ceremonies this weekend. If I can, I'll post some pictures, so you can get a foretaste of what I am going to look like with an alb on and all priestly like.


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