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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Thoughts on Sunday's Gospel

JN 20:19-23

In the evening Jesus comes to us with the words "Do not be afraid" and gives us the Holy Spirit. "Do not be afraid" were the words that John Paul II also put forward at the beginning of his papacy. Yes, there seem to be many problems in today's world - violence in Uzbekistan and Iraq, children being kidnapped, continuing fears of terrorism. How can we keep from fear in these times? Because we have the Spirit whose continuing presence is the continuing presence of the love of God.

Things may look bad but God's love endures, a hidden love made manifest in our love for one another and the mutual forgiveness of sins. Today I took the opportunity to visit the Sacrament of Reconcilliation to hear the words "Your sins are forgiven" to know that the many times I have not served as a minister of peace have been forgiven by the God of Love who calls upon me to do the same to others.

Yet, there are those who do not take the opportunity to participate in this Sacrament - perhaps because they fear what the priest will tell them, perhaps because they fear what the priest will ask, perhaps because they have already experienced poor behavior from a priest. This is a tragedy, that a sacrament meant to inspire hope and love has instead inspired fear. May all in this position receive the Spirit of courage and love and return to the sacrament. May all who minister the sacrament receive the Spirit of compassion and love welcoming back the sinner as they too have been welcomed back many times.


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