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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Monday, November 01, 2004

All Saints Day and Election Eve

Happy All Saints Day to everyone and Happy All Souls Day for tomorrow. It is traditional for us to pray the Office of the Dead on All Souls Day, we also prayed it last friday for those friends, family, and benefactors who have passed away. We pray it again on friday in honor of the Franciscan saints and again next friday, for friends, family and benefactors. A lot of focus on death. Tomorrow is my last Deacon practicum. It hasn't been as helpful as I would have liked as far as really doing the rituals but something is better than nothing. I also cook tomorrow - Manwiches.

Tomorrow is the big election day and I can say that the friary is divided between Bush and Kerry - I won't say where I come down, although I can say that all of this has made me think seriously of becoming a monarchist. I hope that whoever wins, that the loser is gracious because the divisions just seem to serious. We pray and leave the rest in God's hands.


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