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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Two weeks of catch up coming at ya!

I really need to get back into business here. Let's just begin by saying that Christmas was a hectic time at the friary. It's difficult to get to all the religious services and get prepped for going home for a week of vacation. Two masses on the 24th and two on the twenty fifth meant that I was really feelin the spirit. I also came down with a mild cold. My entire family has come down with one of their own so I'm hoping that I'll be able to refuse that particular Christmas gift.

Christmas day was filled with packing, eating and praying. Because of my cold, I avoided the champagne - though I did have some hot chocolate with pepermint schnaps [does that count as an alcholic beverage?] Lots of time getting Christmas cards out as well even though I really didn't say to much in them that hasn't been mentioned in the blog. I have also been spending a lot of time getting the website revised - especially the research section so if you haven't looked at it in a while click on over.

I am home in KC until the 2nd and have some work to do - particularly my talk on religious life and the Trinity. I have some ideas, at least, of what I might say. Perhaps, "The Trinity is a mystery which has never, cannot ever, and is not now understood." And leave it at that. Isn't theology great?

I really will try to resolve to post here more regularly otherwise I end up with posts like this one. Mea culpa and a blessed new year.


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