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I am a Third Order Franciscan of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Greek Orthodox Church Endorses Major Reforms and Fashion Changes

Christian Today > Greek Orthodox Church Endorses Major Reforms

The Roman Catholic Church is not the only major Christian denomination facing scandles from economic and moral misbehavior and not the only one that is finding itself under calls for major reform. The Orthodox Church of Greece is also suffering from the misbehavior of some of its clergy and as a result has had to agree to governmental monitoring of its finances and to "wear less ostentatious robes". I really think that they should object to that last one since it is the "ostentatious robes" that first attracted my attention to the Orthodox Church and I hope to get a set of my own someday.

One of my former formators once warned us that we should be witnesses instead of spectacles, but Fernando says that it is always better to look good than to feel good.


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